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Global Minerals

►Global Mineral Corporation is a worldwide supplier of various oxides, metals, alloys,
Silica, and minerals. It was established in 2000 to supply high quality Silica Sand products to our customers in the research and development fields.
To meet increasing demands for Silica Sand products
and other materials, Global Minerals now carries a variety of
materials to serve not only our customers in research and development
but also manufacturers in the ceramic, metallurgy and electronic industries.

Quick Stats


Years in the Industry


Dedicated Staff


Factory Units


Exporting Countries


★Blasting mats

A blasting mat is a mat usually made
of sliced-up rubber tire scrap
bound together with ropes, cables and clamps.

★Foundry Casting

Global Minerals supplies different grades of round,
angular and sub-angular sands to the foundry
industry for molding and core-making applications.


Silica sand that has been ground to fine sizes is
an ingredient in most clay-based ceramic bodies
and is a major constituent of ceramic glazes.



★Inventory Check

To assure our customers we comply with international
standards, our inventories are inspected for handling and
storing the products while maintaining quality control.

★Truck Check

To guarantee our customers that the product
will be shipped to its destination properly and on time.

★Ship Shortage Check

To ensure that products are transported in
a container free of any potential contaminants prior to the loading.


They already trust us

A list of our clients